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The Company and our Service

a history in short

Kongoni Estate; which incorporates Kiran Coffee Estate and Kilimani Coffee Estate; is an old coffee estate located on the outer slopes of Ngorongoro Crater.  

The farm is at an altitude of 1600 to 1700meters.  Arabica Coffee of predominantly Kent variety is grown on an area of about 500 acres.  Other cash crops such as beans, maize, wheat and barley are grown for the local market.  We also maintain a small heard of cattle in our fresh milk dairy.


Red Coffee cherries are hand picked during harvest and immediately taken to the wet mill for pulping.  The wet coffee is then fermented for 36 hours before it is washed in clean water and spread on the drying beds for sun drying.  Over the next two weeks the coffee is continuously turned over for even drying to reach 12% moisture level.  The coffee is then stored in conditioning bins for a further period of 1-2 weeks before it is transported to dry mill in Moshi.  The coffee (parchment) is then milled in Moshi for onward sale at Moshi Auction or Direct Export.

2024  Bianca Thielke

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